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New Diabetes Breakthrough That Will Bankrupt Diabetes Industry

What Are The 5 Worst Foods for Diabetes and Heart Disease ?

diets high in refined grains were 2.5 times as likely to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes

1. Foods with Added Sugar

Long ago, sugar was only available to our ancestors in the form of fruit or honey. Today, high fructose syrup is added to everything from processed foods to infant formulas. Sugar is dietary enemy number one, replacing saturated fat as the arch villain of the modern diet. Sugar is the cause of maladies like obesity, heart disease, and diabetes. Learn a About A Natural Way To Fight Type 2 Diabetes And Fatty Liver.

2. Red Meat

The saturated fat and cholesterol in foods such as steak, hamburger, lamb, and other red meat has long been linked to heart disease. And recent research at leading U.S. medical centers suggest that L-carnitine, a component in red meat, leads to clogged coronary arteries.

3. Processed Meats Such as Bacon, Sausage, and Salami

Processed red meats such as bacon, sausage, and salami have even more damning evidence against them than red meats. According to cardiologists and professors of medicine, these foods are Petri dishes of heart disease and early death. Studies indicate that processed meat intake can increase diabetes by 41%. Learn More About ASafe And Natural Blend To Relieve Type 2 Diabetes. 

4. Refined Grains and Starches

According to Paleo-enthusiasts, refined grains and starches have contributed to "disease of civilization" such as diabetes and heart disease. In a six-year study of 65,000 women, those with diets high in refined grains were 2.5 times as likely to be diagnosed with type 2 diabetes compared to those who ate whole grains.

5. Fish

Fish has a reputation for being a healthy food. So it may come as a shock that recent studies indicate fish consumers may be at greater risk for diabetes. Why? Persistent organic pollutants include hazardous compounds such as dioxins and PCBs. When fish are exposed to trace elements of these pollutants a chain reaction occurs, so fish consumers are also exposed. There's growing evidence that these pollutants not only lead to metabolic diseases such as diabetes, but also increase the risk of cancer.

If you or your loved one is suffering from Type 2 Diabetes and its serious complications or is a pre-diabetic, fret not.

Click here to learn more and view this report about a Natural Formula That Could Help You Fight Back Type 2 Diabetes And Achieve Normal Blood Sugar Levels.

In the following video, David Pearson explains how he has helped more than 259, 673 people suffering from Type 2 Diabetes with this Natural Formula. This could help you too in achieving normal Blood Sugar Levels and also get relief from serious complications associated with Type 2 Diabetes.

Click below and watch this informative presentation.